
Dear friends,
we are pleased to inform you that we opened the competition. This year’s theme is WAY OUT. As usual, we expect you to complete the story of no more than 3 pages in Russian or English, or without words. Are accepted until August 23. Exhibition of the best works will open at the end of September.

More information you can read here

Good luck!

© Illustration by Vlada Myakonkina

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Illustration by Polina Mityaeva

Dear friends,
we opened the competition. This year’s theme is NEIGHBORS. As usual, we wait complete story no more than 3 pages in Russian or English, or without words. Comics for competition will be accepted until August 22 inclusive. Exhibition of the best works will open at the end of September.

More information

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Winners of competition 2013.

from 18 years and upwards”
Grand Prix
Polina Mityaeva (Sergiyev Posad) “Dad and daughter”

Best story
Asya Novikova (Moscow) “You can put a chair on the fiance”

Best graphics
Katarzyna Zawadka (Warsaw) Pink VS Blue

up to 12 years inclusive
Ruben Absalyamov (Kazan) “Children traditions”

13-17 years
Jana Ustyugova (Krasnoyarsk) “Place of world”

Special Prize of the Festival
Alexandra Baranovskaya (Omsk), “bonfire”

Prize community SPb comics
Natalia Metlukh (San Francisco) “Do not annoy a royal guard”

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© Olga Shtonda, winner of competition 2012

Dear friends,
a month ago we opened the competition. This year’s theme is TRADITIONS. As usual, we expect you to complete the story of no more than 3 pages in Russian or English, or without words. Are accepted until August 25. Exhibition of the best works will open at the end of September.

More information you can read here

Best comics of last year’s competition

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The jury of Boomfest 2012 – Alim Velitov, Harukichi and Varvara Pomidor.

Winners of the competition.

Age category “under 12 years old” – Nastassja Plesovskikh (Perm)
Age group “13-18 years old” – Vlada Panteleeva (Fryazino, Moscow region).

Age category “over 18 years old”
Grand Prix – Olga Shtonda (Kharkov, Ukraine)
The best story – Konstantin Dubkov (Yekaterinburg)
Best Graphics – Natalia Metlukh (San Francisco, USA)

Special prizes – Anna Morozova (Perm), Sergey Gudkov (Eagle)

The prize of the St. Petersburg comic community – Denis Soroka (Stavropol)

Congratulations to the winners!

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Dear friends,
we read all works of competition and we made the short list. These works will be presented at the exhibition and some of their authors will receive the prizes. Here is the list of foreign authors: Boris Pramatarov (Bulgaria), Jeroen Funke (Holland), Nele Bronner (Germany), Chien-Wen Wang (Taiwan), Chien Yu Hsin (Taiwan), Ladislav Bakay(Slovakia), Dominik Heilig (Germany).

As we wrote earlier, we can offer the participants older than 18 years of living in a hostel in St. Petersburg during the educational program of the festival from September 27 till October 1. Maximum 15 people. You will pay for transoprt yourself. To do this, send an email as soon as possible to and we help you with invitation for russian visa .

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We received 173 comics for the competition and next week we’ll announce the shortlist. Thank you for your participation!

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Dear artists, we have good news for you. We decided to change deadline for the competition to 21 August inclusive. We look forward to your work, details about the competition

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We are continue with competition. This year’s theme of the competition – CHOICE. As usual we are waiting complete story no more than 3 pages. Conditions of participation you can read here –

With the support of of Moomin Characters this year we will be able to invite participants from other cities again, but not more than 15 people whose work will be included in the shortlist and to provide them accommodation in St Petersburg from September 27 till October 1 in a hostel in the center of the city. Transportation costs they will pay themselves, if necessary visa support, we will arrange it.

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We are continue with competition. This year’s theme of the competition – CHOICE.Every day we are faced with it and we are sure you have something to telling. As usual we are waiting complete story no more than 3 pages.

More information –

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